John Lofty
3rd-6th grade Math and Science Educator
BA Applied Sociology
BA Elementary Education 1-6
BA Secondary Education Sociology 9-10
MS Administration and Supervision; Principal Permit
30+ years teaching/supervising experience
Jesi Hoschar
Assistant Director
Kindergarten Educator
BS Human Ecology: Child and Family Studies- PreK-4th
Experience in both public school education and homeschool education

Jody Lofty
Volunteer Program Coordinator
School Psychologist
1st/2nd Educator
BS Elementary and Middle Education
MS School Psychology
20+ years teaching experience
Billy Watkins
Bible Program Coordinator
Daily Bible Class Educator
Daily Chapel Leader
BA History and Bible
MA Bible
MA Education
Master of Religious Education
Master of Theology
30+ years of teaching experience

Jennifer Jones
3rd-6th Language Arts and Social Studies Educator
BS Communications
30+ years teaching preschool and elementary Bible classes
Molli Tipton
Pre-K 3s and 4s
After School Program

Lt. Scott Evans
Safety and Security
30+ years of law enforcement experience
Staff CPR, First Aid and AED training